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Our legacy: a nature-conscious approach

Target 2030

Healthy soil, clean water, pure air and high biodiversity are both the objective and the reality of the South Tyrolean apple sector. Not only do we maintain and gradually improve long-term soil quality, we remain a global pioneer in matters of water management. We also want the South Tyrolean fruit sector to be a worldrenowned model of biodiversity by the year 2030. Only in this way can we make a positive contribution to promoting and protecting ecology on a provincial and indeed global level.

Package of measures for the targets
"Our legacy: a nature-conscious approach"

Promoting healthy soil and water

Clean and healthy water

  • Optimisation of water management, e.g. through the expansion of drip irrigation and the use of tensiometers for needs-based irrigation
  • Innovations and technical solutions for keeping water clean, plus processing and storage

Healthy, climate-positive soil

  • Expansion of the soil registry to include additional fruit-growing communities (based on the Überetsch model)
  • Development of an exclusive soil programme addressing the preservation and formation of humus, sustainable soil processing, carbon sequestration, and increased soil vitality; testing and verification research projects with national and international support to serve as a starting point
  • Corresponding monitoring and calculation of effects on soil vitality, CO₂ sequestration, SOC (soil organic carbon = organic carbon content in soil), etc.
Package of measures for the targets
"Our legacy: a nature-conscious approach"

Flourishing orchards – boosting biodiversity

Continuous assessment of biodiversity (via nature index in our partner network)

Intensification of efforts relating to all aspects of biodiversity through province-wide projects jointly supported by numerous partners:

  • Biodiversity: preservation and expansion via hedge programme, nesting boxes, deployment of beneficial insects, etc.
  • Bee protection: expansion of communication and education measures relating to bee Protection

Comparison of biodiversity figures against international benchmark

More targets in the action area "In partnership with nature"
Target 3.1

Our mission: climate-neutral fruit growing

Target 3.2

Plant health in partnership with nature

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