Startseite » Our apples boost health and vitality

Our apples boost health and vitality

Target 2030

Fruit that has been cultivated, ripened and processed with care provides young and old with important carbohydrates, minerals, essential vitamins and trace elements. Regular consumption of apples strengthens the immune system, reduces cholesterol levels, cuts the risk of diabetes and cancer, and helps prevent the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The South Tyrolean apple sector therefore makes a substantial positive contribution to public health.

Package of measures for the targets
"Our apples boost health and vitality"

Establishing the South Tyrolean Apple as a global health ambassador

Positioning of the South Tyrolean Apple as a health ambassador in critical areas:

  • Politics: EU Parliament, national parliaments
  • Education: schools, higher education institutions
  • Health: hospitals, sanatoriums, medical practices
  • Tourism: spas, hospitality, service stations

Processing of all health topics and health data in a dedicated database (in cooperation with Laimburg Research Centre)

Intensification of communication and PR work on the topic of ‘health and apples’ (e.g. an awarenessraising campaign conducted with consumers and health experts about the positive impact apples have on health)

Promotion of health studies on the following topics: allergies, cell ageing, prevention

More targets in the action area "We promote healthy eating"
Target 2.1

Providing high-quality sustainable food

Target 2.3

Farming families at the heart of fruit growing

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